In this module, we will explore the history of plastics, from their early development to their widespread use in the modern era. We will delve into the main types of plastic and their safety implications for both human health and the environment. Europe, in particular, is a focal point, where we will discuss plastic consumption, production, and the efforts to curb its negative impact on the environment.
In this section we also make available PowerPoint Presentations, one per RESCUE training module. Each presentation includes theory, recommendations from the authors, some practical tasks, references, and additional learning resources.
All module activities, those included as practical sessions within the e-learning, are also available to download to the desktop.
Download Presentation Module 1
Download Presentation Module 2
Download Presentation Module 3
Download Presentation Module 4
Download Presentation Module 5
Download Presentation Module 6
- 1 Section
- 12 Lessons
- Lifetime
- [:en]Content[:][:et]Sisu[:][:de]Inhalt[:][:el]Περιεχόμενο[:][:it]Contenuto[:][:pl]Treść[:]12
- 1.0Short introduction to the module
- 1.1Learning objectives
- 1.2Learning outcomes
- 1.3Main topic
- 1.4Subtopic 1: Plastic Europe?
- 1.5Subtopic 2: What is Plastic?
- 1.6Subtopic 3: Types of plastic – which are safe and which to avoid?
- 1.7Subtopic 4: How plastic took over the world? A brief timeline
- 1.8Self-assessment of the theoretical session
- 1.9Practical session
- 1.10Additional learning resources
- 1.11References