Unit 4: A set of recommendations
Here is a summary of actions to take towards going plastic-free!
- Be aware of which type of plastics you use every day.
- Be aware that not all plastics have the same composition- some are better than others: always check their label.
- Be aware that some types of plastics (for example PVC (polyvinyl chloride), PET (polyethylene terephthalate), are dangerous for humans.
- Use Biodegradable plastics and reusable containers instead of single-use products.
- Use your own cutlery if you want to eat out from time to time.
- Use wooden pegs rather than plastic ones to hang clothes.
- Quit purchasing water in plastic bottles
- Quit the use of plastic bags.
- Quit using disposable razors.
- Remember to reuse and recycle.
- Remember that there are many types of labels and any container without a green label should be avoided.
- Remember to sort waste in separate bins according to categories.
- Change your habits and choose glass or stainless-steel containers instead of plastic ones.
- Reduce takeaway food in order to eliminate the need for takeaway containers.
- Wear natural materials and purchase a biodegradable brush.
- Bring your bags when going shopping.
- Pay attention to picking up any litter.
If you need to have glitter on you or use it, opt for eco-friendly and biodegradable glitter options allowing you to sparkle responsibly ADVOCATING FOR THE PLANET.
To summarize, apply the 5 R’s Rule (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot) for A MORE SUSTAINABLE LIFESTYLE.