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Green Portal



Küste gegen Plastik e.V. is a non-profit association based on the northern coast of Germany and mainly carries out information work and establishes corresponding working groups.

Average rating: 0.0

2014 - ongoing


Germany, Niebüll

Description of the Green Initiative

Target groups

Consumers, individuals of all ages


The ReplacePlastic app aims to communicate to product suppliers the consumer's desire for different packaging to drive the development of degradable materials and offer alternatives.


The ReplacePlastic app is the centrepiece of a campaign by Küsten gegen Plastik e.V. (Coasts against Plastic), which aims to shift the responsibility not only to the consumer, but also to those who put all the plastic packaging into circulation. The ReplacePlastic campaign also includes podcasts, talks, workshops and stories about those who make a difference.


At local and national level, important impulses for change were given to local and international companies and packaging changes were initiated.

Innovative elements

With the app, suppliers should not only see that consumers no longer want this plastic packaging but also: there are competitors who are already doing it differently. For this reason, a database of alternatives is offered, which shows when a plastic-packaged product is scanned.


Küste gegen Plastik e.V. is part of a nationwide network and makes all its teaching and learning materials freely available. The app can also be developed internationally by other organisations based on this model.

Additional information

But ReplacePlastic is even more than the ReplacePlastic app.
