Modul | Modul 4: Auswirkungen der Verwendung von Kunststoffen auf Flora und Fauna | ||
Titel | „Rettet den Planeten“ | ||
Code | A4.1 | Dauer der Aktivität
(in Minuten) |
60 Minuten |
Ziel | Wir sollten nie die Umwelt und die Tiere um uns herum vergessen. Diese Aktion soll die Menschen dazu anregen, etwas für unseren Planeten zu tun. Selbst kleine Aktionen sind wichtig und können zu Verbesserungen führen. Diese Aktivität wird das Umweltbewusstsein fördern und den Menschen die Auswirkungen und Gefahren von Plastikmüll auf Flora und Fauna bewusst machen. | ||
Benötigtes Material | Müllsack, Handschuhe, Geduld und die Bereitschaft, etwas für unseren Planeten zu tun. | ||
Step by step Anleitung | Wenn Sie etwas tun wollen, um den Planeten, die Umwelt und alle Tiere um uns herum zu retten, können Sie 60 Minuten Ihres Tages opfern und den Müll in einem Park, in der Nähe eines Flusses/Sees/Seeufers oder in Ihrer Nachbarschaft aufsammeln. Menschen und Tiere werden Ihnen für Ihre freundliche Aktion dankbar sein und nicht in Gefahr geraten. Ziehen Sie Schutzhandschuhe an, um den Müll (Flaschen, Behälter, Dosen, Tüten usw.) aufzusammeln und in einem Müllsack zu entsorgen. Anschließend soll der gesammelte Müll sachgerecht entsorgt werden. Fotos von dieser Aktivität können in unseren sozialen Netzwerken (Facebook oder Instagram) teilen, indem Sie den Tag #RescueProject hinzufügen. |
Modul | Modul 4: Auswirkungen der Verwendung von Kunststoffen auf Flora und Fauna | ||
Titel | The Plastic-Free Campaign (Activity in English) | ||
Code | A4.2 | Dauer der Aktivität (in Minuten) | 20 |
Ziel | The story from the two articles proposed for this activity should inspire people to act and do something to save the environment and the animals. Both articles mention the danger of plastic use on animals and demonstrate how a small action initiated by a single person has evolved in something bigger to save both animals and environment, thus preserving a little paradise on earth. | ||
Benötigtes Material | Read the following articles about How a Plastic-Free Campaign Became Nilgiris‘ Success Story: https://www.opengrowth.com/resources/how-a-plastic-free-campaign-became-nilgiris-success-story https://thewire.in/environment/how-a-plastic-free-campaign-became-nilgiris-success-story |
Step by step Anleitung | Read the following article about the “Plastic Pollution Free Campaign” launched to support educational institutions on their path to reduce plastic pollution and the article about “How a Plastic-Free Campaign became Nilgiris’ success Story”. Both articles focus on a plastic-free campaign in Ooty, which is the most famous hill resort in South India, launched by Supriya Sahu after having seen how cows were swallowing plastic while getting leftovers in garbage dumps. For this reason, Supriya has decided to announce a plastic ban in that area and, as a consequence a group of volunteers – known as the Green Brigade – has united to check on people littering the streets and not respecting the plastic ban. The most affected by the ban have been the tourists, who were the ones bringing huge quantities of disposable plastic cups, spoons, plates and bags. Reflect upon the story of Supriya Sahu, how she has achieved her result and what inspired her to do so. Do you agree with Supriya’s plastic ban? Do you agree with the penalty for violating the plastic ban? Would you do something similar to solve such an issue? Is there something else you would do? Would you join the Green Brigade? Discuss with your friends about the implication and the dangers for animals swallowing plastic residues. Compare this experience with the experience described in the article “To honor an elephant, Indian temples are going plastic-free” (addition learning resource R4.2). |
Zusätzliche Lernressourcen (4 Ressourcen)
Modul | Module 4: Effects of plastic use on flora and fauna |
Titel | What is plastic pollution? |
Code | R4.1 |
Einführung | This video cartoon explains what plastic is, the effects of plastic pollution on oceans, lands, marine creatures, wild animals. It then advocates a proposal to ban plastic. Trivia time at the end. |
Welchen Nutzen haben Sie aus der Verwendung dieser Ressource? | The video is a funny, but also important and valuable, resource to learn more about plastic and its dangers for both animals and the environment. |
Link | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODni_Bey154 |
Modul | Module 4: Effects of plastic use on flora and fauna |
Titel | “To honor an elephant, Indian temples are going plastic-free” |
Code | R4.2 |
Einführung | This article by National Geographic is about Hindu temples in Southern India that took a stand against single-use plastic after the death of a 20-year-old wild elephant due to having consumed plastic trash. |
Welchen Nutzen haben Sie aus der Verwendung dieser Ressource? | The article aims to raise awareness on the global plastic waste crisis and make readers learn what to do to reduce the single-use plastics and take a pledge. The story of the dead elephant aims to raise awareness on the danger of plastic for animals and to stimulate people to reduce and avoid plastic use. |
Link | https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/kerala-india-hindu-temples-go-plastic-free |
Modul | Module 4: Effects of plastic use on flora and fauna |
Titel | Keep Britain tidy |
Code | R4.3 |
Einführung | This resource is the website of the initiative named “Keep Britain tidy”. It refers to an organization active in Britain whose main causes are: removing litter, ending waste, improving public spaces, educating future generations, increasing recycling, fostering innovation. |
Welchen Nutzen haben Sie aus der Verwendung dieser Ressource? | This resource can stimulate learners to act and take part in an organization in order save our environment. In this website there are some interesting sections about plastic, waste, recycling, damages to animals and environment. Furthermore, there are also come call to action, some proposals and a fundraise to support the cause. |
Link | https://www.keepbritaintidy.org/ |
Modul | Modul 4: Auswirkungen der Verwendung von Kunststoffen auf Flora und Fauna |
Titel | WWF |
Code | R4.4 |
Einführung | Die WWF-Website beschreibt die Auswirkungen und Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Plastikmüll, warum dieses Thema wichtig ist, was der WWF unternimmt, um dieses Problem zu lösen und wie die Menschen helfen und die Sache unterstützen können. |
Welchen Nutzen haben Sie aus der Verwendung dieser Ressource? | Die WWF-Website bietet einige Einblicke in praktische Maßnahmen, die jeder Einzelne ergreifen kann, um Plastikmüll zu reduzieren und Tiere und natürliche Lebensräume zu retten. |
Link | https://www.wwf.de/themen-projekte/plastik |