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Credit Agricole, international banking group, is organizing for more than 3 years now initiatives as part of the #mniejplastiku (translation: #LessPlastic) campaign. They are involved in promoting environmental activities.

Average rating: 5.0

2020 - ongoing


Poland, Europe

Description of the Green Initiative

Target groups

Every adult.


The objectives are organising educational and clean-up campaigns that provide a pretext for talking about the wave of plastic that is flooding the Earth.


One of the first activities, that also became the symbol of small changes in line with the #LessPlastic campaign philosophy, was the first card in Poland made of eco-plastic that decomposes faster than plastic.

  • National campaign to motivate towards more environmentally friendly decisions.
  • Providing the first card in Poland made of eco-plastic that decomposes faster than plastic.
  • Organization of clean-up days along the coast, along rivers and along trails in Poland.
  • International Plastic Odyssey project to help solve the world's plastic waste problem.

Innovative elements

An innovative element of the #LessPlastic campaign has been the launch of Plastic Odyssey project, an around-the-world expedition to build a global network of local initiatives to combat plastic pollution. In October 2022, a special laboratory ship set sail from the port of Marseille. Over the course of three years, it will sail around three continents: Africa, Latin America and Asia and will stop at 30 ports. On board the ship are simple recycling machines that can easily, with few tools, be built anywhere in the world. The ship's crew will teach local communities how to build such machines and convert used plastic into new reusable items. The project is supported by various entities that are united by the #LessPlastic campaign.


Raising awareness on environmentally friendly practices, ones that can initiate social initiatives and group activities to save our planet. The presented practice green initiative is in fact 3 different initiatives that not only promotes but should motivate and encourage towards #LessPlastic. Similar initiatives could be #LessPaper, #LessWater or #LessEnergy – supported by known companies or combined with the organization of “water-free” or “energy-free” days.

Additional information

More information about the International Plastic Odyssey project is available through the page
